Battleground North Carolina: Let’s Flip the State Legislature

North Carolina state legislature (image via WSJ)

We can agree that Republicans have no business governing anywhere in the country, right?

It’s not just that Trumpism seems to have infected politics at the state level, it’s not even that the Republican party doesn’t seem to have any values whatsoever, but when we see so many instances where the party is tearing away at our democracy? Their rule must come to an end.

I’ve covered the fight for the White House and the Senate, (and holding the House, of course), and will continue to write about those races. But it’s also important we look into some of the key battleground states as well.

One of those states in North Carolina.

What’s at stake in North Carolina

In 2018, the Democrats broke the Republicans’ supermajority in both chambers, and in 2020, we have the opportunity to take control of both chambers. We’re within 5-6 flips of that reality in each chamber.

Why do we want to take back the state legislature? For one thing, let’s remember that this is a census year. That means that whoever is in charge of state legislatures following the November election will be drawing the district maps that will be in place for the next decade.

Republicans were in control of the North Carolina legislature in 2010 and gerrymandered their districts. They did it so overtly, that after an extremely long legal battle, they were finally forced to redraw the maps last year by the courts. Let’s make sure the Democrats are in charge this fall when the maps have to be drawn up again.

Furthermore, by boosting turnout among Democratic voters this fall, that could also have a spillover effect and help win us another Senate seat (by kicking out Thom Tillis) and turning the state blue in the Electoral College (totaling 15 electoral votes.)

Organizations Working to Flip North Carolina

Whether you live in North Carolina or not, if you want to help make sure the Democrats turn out in droves this November in the state, pick one of these organizations and get involved. Look through their website, share it with others on your social media channels, sign up for their email updates, donate to them, and learn how you can help them virtually!

Get connected to your local Democratic party chapter: North Carolina Democratic Party

Get involved with Organizing Together North Carolina  and their voter outreach efforts

Find voter registration events: League of Women Voters NC

Join & canvass with: Flip NC

Swing Left has targeted NC as one of their Super States in 2020.

Join: Democracy NC

Postcard Campaigns: Stamp NC Blue

Volunteer with: You Can Vote

Find progressive events in North Carolina: Mobilize America

Voter Registration Info: NC State Board of Elections Website

Volunteer for a candidate: 15 Ways to Help a Campaign Win Their Election

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3 replies

  1. Hi,

    Another group that is working to flip NC blue is Sister District. They have 2 NC legislative candidates that they are supporting in the November 3, 2020 election. Brian Farkas and Frances Jackson. Sister District is a great way for people in solidly blue districts to adopt a district and support the folks on the ground with fundraising, postcarding and phone banking!

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