Please, Don’t Be a Bystander

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Be the person who does more than just express outrage.

Being outraged by how African-Americans are treated in this country isn’t enough. Being sympathetic isn’t enough. We have to take positive action. Most especially important for those of us who are white.

Here are some anti-racism resources that I’ve found. I share these with you, with this ask:  Please do something to tackle racism today. And again tomorrow.

Anti-Racism Resources for White People

Luvvie’s Anti-Racism Reading List

White Ally Toolkit

President Obama’s Essay (which includes a link to resources)

Tasha’s Anti-Racism Resources

Take your pick, but do one small action today. Be the pebble in your community that starts a ripple.



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9 replies

  1. This is a great article that I’ve saved.

    Different subject: you posted about 4 states where we could turn the Senate blue. Could you point me to that?

  2. Thank you for your always relevant and necessary messages! I’m going to copy and paste this Ben Franklin quote, if you don’t mind?  Thank you in advance!  Stay safe! Jimmie

    • Thank you, JimmieLee. By all means, I’m delighted when you all share my resources! If it makes sense to let people know you found the graphic here at Political Charge, I’d be most grateful.

  3. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke these words in a plea to the white community during a speech on nonviolence and social change in Montgomery, Alabama in December of 1959 : “We yearn for brotherhood and respect and we want to join hands with you to build a freer, happier land for all. If you fail to act now, history will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.” In the 60 years since then the strident clamor of the bad people and the appalling silence of the good people for the most part have continued unabated. Today small steps are being made by the good people in the right direction, but as your post points out there is much more that we can and must do! Thank-you! P.S. Knowing that you also have a fondness for political cartoons, this post prompts me to share the Claytoonz post from this morning “Safe To Go Out?” which can be found at

    • The line “the appalling silence of the good people” has been rattling in my head all day. It’s just not enough to have feelings about this, is it?

      And yes, I’m putting the cartoon roundup as we speak. I have the Claytoonz cartoon in my files. Not sure if I’m going to use that or another one that’s very similar. It’s a very powerful statement. Thank you for sharing it.

      • Those words have been reverberating in my mind for days now! Though spoken and written words are important, words without our positive actions backing them up are just words and will change little in this case. Actually much as I enjoyed the cartoon, it was the commentary he wrote that had the greater impact today. I often find that the words that accompany the Claytoonz equals the power of the art and at times can surpass it. Thank-you, again!


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