Republicans Must Not Be Allowed to Retake the House

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: The Republicans don’t deserve to govern.

Last night, reports surfaced that Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was at an event, raising money for the midterms, where he riled up the crowd by saying he wanted them to watch Nancy Pelosi hand him the Speaker’s gavel after they won the midterms. He followed up by saying, “It will be hard not to hit her with it.”

Read that again.

The top Republican in the House chose to casually suggest violence against the female Speaker of the House because he knew that’s what his supporters and voters want to hear. This, after Trump supporters specifically sought out Pelosi during the January 6th insurrection.

McCarthy is unfit.

It makes it even worse that one of his spoksepeople said the Minority Leader was only “joking.” Oh yeah, sure Kevin, as long as you were just joking — no harm, no foul, right? No. Not even close.

How dare he?

There are many others who are saying what I want to express, and doing it much more eloquently than I can. So let me just leave you all with this:

I was already fired up to do what I could to help Democrats protect their majority in the House, but after this, I am hellbent on making sure Kevin McCarthy NEVER EVER becomes Speaker of the House.

Are you with me?


Kevin McCarthy reportedly joked about hitting Nancy Pelosi with a speaker’s gavel during a GOP fundraising dinner (Business Insider)

McCarthy slammed for joking ‘it would be hard not to hit’ Pelosi with a gavel (NBC News)

Rep. McCarthy facing calls to resign after reportedly joking about hitting Pelosi with gavel (Fox News)

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6 replies

  1. Of course McCarthy was joking, he would never hit an unarmed woman! But maybe Moscow Mitch would use a gavel to hit Chuck Schumer! Or even, maybe, McCarty would strike Joe Biden!
    Last I looked, Republicans have no funny bone to joke with! They don’t know how to joke…

  2. The people who inhabit Republican leadership positions are scum. Every single one of them.

  3. Well said. The U.S. is in real danger if the Democrats don’t make gains to remain the majority party allowing the Republicans to undergo real sea change to become a viable party.

  4. Tokyo, when a party vilifies its truth tellers and celebrates and protects its liars, it does not bode well for good governance. Democrats are not perfect and I can disagree on policy emphasis, but my former Republican party is a adrift and is untethered from truth and lawfulness. Right now, we need a viable GOP, but this batch running the show is certainly not it and should not be rewarded with running anything. Keith

    • I think we’ve talked about this before — I agree that we are much better off with two HEALTHY parties. But the GOP is nowhere near that right now.

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