How We Can Help Val Demings Flip Marco Rubio’s Senate Seat

I was thrilled when we won the Senate seats in Georgia, of course, but I have to say, I really really want to have more Democrats in the Senate. A 50-50 split Senate is as awful as people said it would be.

I am ready to get an early jump on the Senate races in Midterms 2022.

So I was thrilled to see that Val Demings formally entered the race to unseat Senator Marco Rubio in Florida!! I knew she was thinking about it, as that rumor had circulated on Twitter a while back, but now it is for real and I am ready to help her flip that seat.

Now, I want to be crystal clear here. Flipping this seat in Florida won’t be easy. As we all know, Florida tends to be a heartbreaker. But, Val Demings makes this about as competitive as possible. Cook Political Report hasn’t updated their Senate ratings since Demings entered the race, but I’ll be watching to see if they move it out of the “Likely Republican” column. I bet they will.

Mini Bio

Val Demings is currently a U.S. Representative for Florida’s 10th District. Prior to entering Congress, she was Orlando’s Chief of Police. We know Joe Biden was considering her for Vice President. You might also remember Demings from her commanding stint as one of the impeachment managers from Trump’s first impeachment.

How we can help

No surprise, it’s going to take good old fashioned organizing and investment.

1. Support Val Deming’s campaign. You can make a donation at her campaign website HERE. This is important because we know Mitch McConnell is going to pour a ton of money into the state in an effort to save this seat. Sign up to volunteer and get updates HERE. Follow her on Twitter HERE and amplify her messages.

2. Support local grassroots organizations. Here’s a directory of progressive organizations in Florida that you can check out.

3. Check for volunteering opportunities in Florida. MobilizeUS always has a variety of ways to get involved with voter registration events, campaign activities, engaging voters, etc. Just type in your zip code or city and see what’s available.

4. Support the Florida Democratic party. Supporting candidates directly is always a good choice, but supporting the state party helps build the infrastructure and volunteer network that we need to set up well ahead of Election Day.

Getting an early start will be crucial for this race. Thank you for taking action!

I was on the Tono Latino podcast this week! Sylvia and I talked all things voting rights — my favorite topic. I hope you’ll check it out!

Tokyo Sand on Tono Latino

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8 replies

  1. Postcards to Voters has writing campaigns going on to urge Florida registered Dems to sign up (again) for Vote by Mail. I’m all in on this since Rubio and DeSantis are both up in 2022 and voting from home can boost turnout.

    • Love it! I haven’t decided if I’ll just do new posts when I find good opportunities to take action or just refer people back to this article.

  2. Tokyo, a key message is Marco Rubio ran away from his greatest legislative accomplishment. He was part of a Gang of Eight Senators that passed some pretty good legislation on immigration. Since the House refused to take up the bill as John Boehner felt they could make use of NOT passing a bill to solve a problem, the GOP ran from immigration reform. This led to Obama doing an executive order on DACA, which is not law.

    When Rubio ran for president in 2016, he distanced himself from this accomplishment. He also distanced himself from doing something about climate change. Instead of using his advantage of being the next generation GOPer, he ran his campaign as 65 year old white man. And, he lost badly.

    His opponent should point this phoniness, in my view. Keith

    • I think there will be a lot of failures to point out with Rubio. Yours is a good example.

      • Thanks. What bothers me is he was speaking of addressing climate change and LGBT rights (granted from a Republican lens, but he was receptive to these topics), so he did have a chance to show a path forward for a demographically challenged party. Instead, they went in reverse and embraced nationalism and racism. Keith

      • From my perspective, he just comes off as weak. And Republican voters don’t seem to like that.

  3. I’ve been trying to find a way to communicate my strong support for Congresswoman Demings campaign. I don’t know if this will work, but I wanted to tell her that, as a Precinct Leader in PC 255 I and a group of friends are working to build a coalition of Democrats, Independents, and disaffected Republicans to work together to defeat Sen. Marco Rubio and elect Congresswoman Demings. I do not have lots of money but I do share with our group a determination to defeat both Rubio and DeSantis. We hope that if by January or early February we can build this coalition, not necessarily to turn Collier Blue but to turn out enough voters to help Congresswoman Demings and DeSantis Democratic opponent win Florida. I just wanted to let you know that even here in Collier County, a Republican stronghold we believe we can help you win.
    Sincerely, Charles J. Theisen, Jr. Ph.D. Cdr MSC USN (Retired)

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