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A Word About Republican Primary Challengers

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This weekend, a second Republican announced that he was running to primary Trump for the Republican presidential nomination. I thought I should tell you all how I plan to cover these challengers at Political⚡Charge.

I won’t be.

Nope, I won’t be giving them a smidge of attention. Now, at times, this won’t be easy. One of the challengers is very prolific on Twitter and jabs at Trump all the time. I know because I see his tweets show up in my feed because folks I follow retweet him. I get it–we loathe Trump and it feels good to see other folks, especially Republicans, express their disapproval for him.

But here’s where I think we need to be careful. Why should we give those candidates oxygen by retweeting or liking or commenting on their social media posts? It only broadcasts them further and gets their message out to more people ON OUR SIDE. That is time and energy and attention that could be better spent drumming up support for our fantastic candidates.

I can easily see folks on our side of the political divide enjoy these Republicans taunting our president and make the assumption that helping their candidacy–with a donation or amplifying their message–will hurt Trump. I ask them: Why should WE do that? Let the disaffected Republicans do that work. This is their problem, not ours.

I wrote this a while back specifically about talking about Trump on social media, but the lesson applies to anyone on the opposite side of the aisle: Are you unintentionally helping Trump? 

We have plenty to work on. We’ve got the 2019 elections to win, a presidential candidate to pick, and hundreds of 2020 elections up and down the ballot to prepare for.

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