How to Help Re-Elect Senator Gary Peters in Michigan

In order to flip the Senate this November, we need to flip 4 Republican seats. That’s while making sure we don’t lose any Democratic seats. And while Senator Gary Peters is favored in his re-election this November, he has a competitive fight on his hands.

In 2016, Trump won Michigan by the narrowest of margins. Helping to boost enthusiasm to re-elect Senator Gary Peters could also be the key to making sure that Michigan goes blue in the Electoral College!

Gary Peter’s voting record has earned him a 100% score from both the League of Conservation Voters and Planned Parenthood, and 94% from the Human Rights Campaign. He’s been the primary sponsor of 11 bills that have been enacted in the one term he’s been in the Senate, which is really good. And of course, he voted to convict Trump on both articles of impeachment.

More than ever, we need people like Gary Peters to be Senators. It’s going to take a lot of us working together to make sure he wins this race.

Who is running against Gary Peters?

The Republican running against Gary Peters is John James, an African-American veteran and business owner. He has not held political office. He also ran as the Republican candidate against Senator Debbie Stabenow (D) in 2018.

How you can help Gary Peters keep his Senate seat

No surprise, it’s going to take good old fashioned organizing and investment.

1. Get involved with his campaign. Most importantly, donate. The Republicans are pouring money into the state to flip this seat and Peters will need our donations to fight back the attacks that are coming. Then, sign up to volunteer. They’ll let you know how you can help, no matter where you’re from!

2. Share how to vote absentee due to COVID19. All voters in Michigan can vote by mail this year. Send THIS INFO to any friends you may have in the state, or create social media posts with this link.

3. Support the Michigan Democratic party. Donate to them, ask them how you can help with voter registration drives, or boost the number of volunteers they have to help with campaigns.

4. Support Michigan’s League of Women Voters. They organize voter registration drives and have events to inform and connect voters with the candidates.

Do you have other ideas of how we can help re-elect Gary Peters to the Senate this November, particularly ideas for folks outside the state who want to help? If so, please let me know in the comments. Thanks!

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  1. Thanks for the information.

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