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Will the Republicans Confuse Their Voters About Voting By Mail?


What exactly will Republicans think about voting by mail when they’re bombarded by conflicting messages?

The president keeps tweeting nonsense about voting by mail. Even though he voted by mail from Florida in their primary, he keeps framing voting by mail as a Democratic plot to get more people to vote.

Again today, he tweeted about Michigan and Nevada because they’ll be mailing absentee ballots or ballot applications to all registered voters. Of course he lied and said both states did it illegally — hilariously, both states responded to the president and put him in his place. (For those of you who are newer readers of Political Charge, I made a promise not to post Trump’s tweets on my blog after I wrote this article about spreading disinformation.)


Republicans have long pushed voting by mail with their constituents. In Politico’s article, Trump condemns vote-by-mail, but the Florida GOP is counting on it to win last month, they point out that the GOP in that state has spent tens of millions over the past two election cycles to turn out the absentee vote. And in both 2016 and 2018, they successfully turned out more Republican absentee ballots than the Democrats did.

And if you think that Republicans will stop their push to get their voters to vote by mail, this former Republican strategist has this to say:

Which brings me to my first question: What will the average Trumper voter do this November? Vote by mail which is what the “libs” want you to do, or listen to Trump who’s telling you not to?

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