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4 Ways to Help Cal Cunningham Flip Thom Tillis’s Senate Seat in North Carolina

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Want to help kick North Carolina Republican Thom Tillis out of the Senate this November?

There are so many reasons that Tillis needs to lose his re-election. Tillis has voted in alignment with Trump an average of 93%. He voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement plan, and voted against strengthening equal pay protections. He flip-flopped when Trump declared a national emergency at the southern border–first opposing the president’s stance but then ultimately voting against a resolution to block Trump’s bid to divert funding toward construction of his proposed wall.

Over the past year, Tillis’ Senate seat has become more and more vulnerable as his approval rating slips. His approval rating among GOP voters dropped 12 points last year. He will face a primary challenge for certain. It’s not a good sign when the editorial board of one of the largest newspapers in the state calls you out for kissing up to the president’s son in an embarrassing way.

Cal Cunningham won the Democratic primary and will face Tillis in November. He has looked very strong in the early polling, so much so that the ratings folks have moved this race to the Toss Up category!

But as shaky as it looks for Tillis, we should not make the mistake of assuming the seat will flip. Flipping an incumbent is not easy. It’ll take a lot of us working together to make sure a Democrat flips this Senate seat.

How you can help the Democrats flip this Senate seat

It’s going to take good old fashioned organizing and investment.

1. Support Cal Cunningham’s campaign. You can make a donation HERE. This is important because Mitch McConnell is pouring money into the state in an effort to save this seat. Sign up to volunteer HERE. Follow him on Twitter HERE and amplify his messages.

2. Help with voter registration drives in the state. As one idea, share Rock the Vote’s voter registration page for North Carolina (HERE) on your social media pages. If you can give your time (either in North Carolina or from outside the state), sign up to volunteer for voter engagement projects AT THIS LINK.

3. Support the North Carolina Democratic party. Donate to them, ask them how you can help with voter registration drives, or boosting the number of volunteers they have to help with campaigns.

4. Support North Carolina’s League of Women Voters. They organize voter registration drives and have events to inform and connect voters with the candidates.

Do you have other ideas of how we can help Cal Cunningham win this Senate seat, particularly ideas for folks outside the state who want to help? If so, please let me know in the comments. Thanks!

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Is Cal Cunningham running against Thom Tillis in North Carolina?
Can Cal Cunningham win the North Carolina Senate seat? 
Who is the Democrat running for the North Carolina Senate seat?
Can the Democrats flip the North Carolina Senate seat?

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