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5 Ways to Help Mark Kelly Flip Martha McSally’s Senate Seat in Arizona

Martha McSally vs. Mark Kelly

Want to help flip another Arizona Senate seat blue?

Arizona has been trending towards Democrats, and one of the great wins of the 2018 midterms was when we learned that Jeff Flake’s (R-AZ) seat flipped blue.

When John McCain (R-AZ) passed away, the governor of Arizona named Republicans Jon Kyl, and later, Martha McSally to fill his seat until a special election could be held in 2020. We needed to get a great candidate to flip this seat and we really scored when Mark Kelly decided to run. Here’s his terrific campaign announcement video:

Now for a few key numbers: Back in 2016, John McCain won his seat with 53% of the vote. In 2018, Kyrsten Sinema (D) just beat out Martha McSally (50% – 47%). A big question will be what the effect of a presidential election will have on the Senate race.

The polls had been showing that McSally had a slight edge over Kelly, that is until this fall, when Kelly took the top spot. Additionally, Trump’s approval rating in Arizona which once was as high as 55%, is now sitting at 46%. Cook Political Report calls this race a Toss-Up.

Here’s 5 ways you can help propel Mark Kelly to a win:

1. Donate to Mark Kelly’s campaign. Donating directly to the candidate helps him get the word out to voters, attract and deploy volunteers, and he’ll need it against all the money the Republicans will pour into this race.

2. Help with voter registration drives in the state. Arizona is one of the fastest growing states in the nation. That’s a lot of people that need to register to vote. As one idea, share Rock the Vote’s voter registration page for Arizona (HERE) on your social media pages. Here are another 15 ways you can help register voters.

3. Support the Arizona Democratic party. Donate to them, ask them how you can help with voter registration drives, or boosting the number of volunteers they have to help with campaigns.

4. Support Arizona’s League of Women Voters. They organize voter registration drives and have events to inform and connect voters with the candidates.

5. Get involved in Arizona’s 2019 elections. I can hear you say, “Say what now?” Hear me out. This year, yes, in 2019, Arizona has several municipal elections and ballot measures that need to be voted on. Everything we can do to get voters in Arizona involved in these elections and ballot issues, and working to register and turn out Democratic voters in 2019 is essentially laying a foundation that Mark Kelly can build on in 2020.

If you have other ideas of how we can support Mark Kelly, particularly for folks outside the state, please let us know in the comments. Thanks!

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