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5 Ways To Help Amy McGrath Flip Mitch McConnell’s Senate Seat in Kentucky

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Want to help kick Mitch McConnell out of the Senate?

Mitch McConnell is the most unpopular Senator in Congress today and it’s not hard to figure out why. He has been accused of actively destroying our democracy and Senate norms. Under his watch in the 116th Congress, the Senate has taken up fewer bills passed by the House than any other Senate in recent memory. Want a longer list of why Mitch McConnell should lose his seat? Read:  21 Reasons to Boot Mitch McConnell from the Senate

Now, a little truth talk. In 2016, Trump won Kentucky by 30 points, and his net approval in the state is still above water. McConnell will be on the same ballot as Trump in 2020 and that might be all that it takes.

However, McConnell is one of the least popular senators in Congress, and he “has a 36% approval and 50% disapproval rating in Kentucky.” (Source) Amy McGrath won the Democratic primary and has been raising a ton of money, which puts her in as good a position as possible to challenge the deeply entrenched McConnell. Watch this excellent video as to why she’s running:

Here’s 5 ways you can help flip McConnell’s seat:

1. Support Amy McGrath’s campaign. You can make a donation HERE. Remember: Every dollar McConnell has to spend fighting off Amy McGrath is a dollar he can’t spend on other vulnerable Senate seats. You can sign up to volunteer HERE. Follow her on Twitter HERE and amplify her messages.

2. Help with voter registration drives in the state. A recent article in Governing reported that the number of Republican voters registering in Kentucky has gone up by 12% since 2016, but the number of Democrats has gone down slightly. As one idea, share Rock the Vote’s voter registration page for Kentucky (HERE) on your social media pages.

3. Support the Kentucky Democratic party. Donate to them, ask them how you can help with voter registration drives, or boosting the number of volunteers they have to help with campaigns.

4. Support Kentucky’s League of Women Voters. They organize voter registration drives and have events to inform and connect voters with the candidates.

5. Donate to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. The organization is solely focused on electing a Democratic Senate. So far for the 2020 Election cycle, the DSCC has raised a touch over $49M (while the Republican’s counterpart has raised $54M.)

If you have other ideas of how we can support voter registration and Amy McGrath’s campaign, particularly for folks outside the state, please let us know in the comments. Thanks!

Let’s flip the Senate and win the 2020 Election! Download my free guide today: 19 Quick Ways to Turn Out the Vote in 2020. Each action takes 10 minutes or less!

You can also find me on:
Twitter: @DHStokyo
Instagram: @DHStokyo
Facebook: Political Charge 

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