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What Does Patriotism Mean to You?

So tell me on this July 4th, what are you fighting for?

You’re here at PoliticalCharge because while you’re not entirely happy about the state of your country, you’re not content to just live with it — you want to make it better. Working to improve your country seems very patriotic to me.

Mark Twain on patriotism:

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

And President Obama:

We, the People, recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which only asks what’s in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who died in their defense.

What would your quote be?

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