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Michael Bennet: The 7 Issues Guide


Michael Bennet (Photo: (Hart Van Denburg/CPR News)

The Democrats have a big field of candidates running for President in 2020. Each of them brings their own unique strengths to the table in a bid to take our country in a very different direction than the one we’re on today.

But as we well know from 2016, the media (and especially social media) gets fixated on non-substantial issues that take up all the oxygen. Plus, they don’t give the candidates the same treatment or the same amount of airtime.

In order to help voters get to know the Democratic candidates, I’ve gathered quotes and information about what the candidates have said or done in regards to the 7 issues that midterm voters identified as the most important. I hope that these guides serve as a helpful starting point for you as you look into which candidates (or how many candidates!) you are interested in supporting in their bid to become our next President.

Today, let’s get to know Michael Bennet!


Career Highlights

✦ Current U.S. Senator from Colorado (since 2009)
✦ Former Superintendent of Denver Public Schools (2005-2009)



Affordable Healthcare: “On health care, he and Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia recently introduced a bill that would create a public option called Medicare-X; Mr. Bennet said that he wanted “universal coverage” but that his model was “more practical” than the single-payer ones many other Democrats have come to support.” Source 

Medicare for All: “He has specifically criticized “Medicare for all” proposals that would eliminate private insurance.” Source 

Mental Health:Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, a cosponsor of the Mental Health Reform Act signed into law in 2016, called for robust funding to fully implement the law and help make America’s mental health system more responsive to the needs of those with mental illness.” Source

Pro-Choice: Planned Parenthood gave Michael Bennet a score of 100% for his voting record. Source 


Climate Change

Paris Climate Accord: “Mr. Bennet is in line with the rest of the Democratic field in calling for recommitting to the Paris Agreement.” Source 

Green New Deal: Michael Bennet unveiled his plan to fight climate change. “Bennet’s plan aims to put the nation on a path to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or earlier.” Source 

Climate Legislation: “In March, he helped create the Senate Special Committee on the Climate Crisis, and last month, he was co-sponsor of a bipartisan bill that would provide tax incentives for energy storage.” Source 

Environmental Accountability: The League of Conservation Voters gave Michael Bennet a score of 89% for his voting record. Source 


Civil Rights

LGBTQ Rights: “Bennet is the author of legislation to direct resources to improve the sexual health of older Americans, including LGBTQ+ and rural senior populations. He is an original co-sponsor of the Equality Act.” Source

Marriage Equality: “Bennet said he supported same-sex marriage but believed it should be decided by the states. In 2012, he voiced his full support for same-sex marriage.” Source

Transgender Rights: “Bennet opposes the Pentagon’s policy banning transgender individuals from joining the military, which took effect last month.” Source

Criminal Justice Reform: “Bennet was a sponsor for the justice reform First Step Act bill in 2016, which limited juvenile solitary confinement and reduced minimum sentences for some repeat non-violent drug crimes.” Source


Gun Reform

Gun Reform Stance: “In 2012 Bennet joined then Colorado Senator Mark Udall in asking for stricter gun control, in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. After the shooting, Bennet said, “In Colorado, we support the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, we support the ability of people to hunt and recreate and to protect their families and homes, and we want to keep the wrong weapons out of the hands of the wrong people.” Source 

Assault Weapons: “In 2013 Bennet voted against a Senate Amendment … that would have reinstated the federal assault weapons ban.” Source

Background Checks: “Bennet participated in the Chris Murphy gun control filibuster, demanding that gun laws be changed in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting. During his participation in the filibuster, Bennet talked about the 2012 Aurora shooting, citing that as a response to the shooting, the state of Colorado closed gun sale loopholes and now requires background checks for any gun purchase.” Source


Voting Rights

Voter ID: “Sixteen senators led by Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) submitted a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder last week asking him to examine whether the Voting Rights Act’s prohibitions on laws preventing minorities from voting invalidate so-called “voter ID” laws, which effectively disenfranchise thousands of elderly, disabled, and low-income voters.” Source

Restoring the Voting Rights Act: “On the fiftieth anniversary of the Voting Rights Act becoming law, Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet cosponsored the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA) of 2015 to restore and advance voting protections for all Americans.” Source 

Expanding Voting Rights: “He supports expanding voting protections, changing redistricting laws that suppress the voting rights of minorities, and simplifying the voting process through measures, such as same-day registration.” Source 


Economic Inequality

Minimum Wage: “Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet expressed his disappointment today that a minority of senators blocked the consideration of a bill that would raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.” (quote from 2014) Source 

Equal Pay: “Michael continues to call on Congress to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act to close the gender pay gap and secure protections for women’s access to safe and affordable health care.” Source

Globalization: “According to a memo from his campaign, Bennet believes that “globalization, automation, and unfair competition from China have left far too many workers and families behind.” Some of the solutions he’s proposed to improve the U.S. economy include creating climate-resilient jobs for farmers and rural workers, investing in “industries of the future,” such as artificial intelligence, and improving mass transit systems.” Source

Student Debt: “As a senator, Bennet supported efforts to simplify the financial aid process and expand year-round Pell Grants to alleviate student debt.” Source

Tariffs: “Bennet has been vocal in his criticism of Trump’s tariffs on trade and agriculture. He said Trump’s trade war is harming more farmers than it helps. Bennet was also a key advocate of the 2018 farm bill.” Source

Family Act: “Mr. Bennet is a co-sponsor of the American Family Act, a Senate proposal that would give every family with children a refundable tax credit of $250 to $300 per month. He also supports expanding the earned-income tax credit.” Source

Economic Platform: “And his campaign outlined the broad strokes of an economic platform involving infrastructure improvements, high-speed broadband in rural areas, and investments in “advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, superconductors and quantum computing.” Source 


Foreign Affairs

Russia: “Reports of #RussiaHacking are disturbing and cannot be ignored. This isn’t about politics. It’s about national security.” Source

North Korea: “North Korea’s nuclear program continues to pose a grave threat to the international community and to our allies and service members in the region. It is not surprising that North Korea derailed these negotiations. Instead of emotional, outburst-driven ‘diplomacy,’ the President must do the hard work to develop a comprehensive strategy in coordination with our partners.” Source

China: “Bennet has also focused on technology and cyber threats posed by China and other countries, and has pursued legislation to protect the U.S. energy grid and safeguard American companies against state-sponsored technology theft.” Source

Iran: “Since taking office, President Trump has produced no strategy to counter Iran’s malevolent activities across the Middle East, all of which would be more dangerous if backed by a nuclear weapon. U.S. intelligence has assessed Iran is in compliance with the JCPOA, and the President has offered no alternative path forward to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear capabilities. The President’s abandonment of the agreement is reckless.” Source

Saudi Arabia: “In December, he supported a resolution to end U.S. military support to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.”Source


Legislative Record (includes enacted legislation & bills sponsored): Michael Bennet

Campaign website: Michael Bennet for America

Check out all of our 7 Issues Guides: Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Julian Castro, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jay Inslee, John Hickenlooper, Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, John Delaney, Joe Biden, Eric Swalwell

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