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Protecting Abortion Rights: How to Help


The passage of Alabama’s abortion law has really made it clear just how much women’s reproductive rights are in the crosshairs. Folks are angry, scared, and shaken. Here are 6 things we can do to take action.

Donate. There are many organizations that are doing the important work to protect the constitutional right to an abortion.

ACLU: They’ve just sued the state of Alabama over this legislation.
Access Reproductive Care – Southeast: Serves women in AL, FL, GA, MS, SC, TN
Yellowhammer Fund: Helps women in AL secure funds to access abortion services
NARAL Pro-Choice America: Tackles issues with access to abortion and birth control
Planned Parenthood Southeast: Helps women with reproductive services
AidAccess: Helps women access a safe abortion through abortion pills
Women on Web: Abortion resources, stories, and consulting

Educate. A New York Times opinion piece had a great suggestion, which was that as abortion pills are likely to become more in demand, it would be good for all of us to become more educated about them so we can share this knowledge with others. Read the article, The Complicated Reality of Buying Abortion Pills Online. Also, there is a hotline, called If When Why, that women can use to answer their questions.

Escort. Volunteer to physically escort women seeking abortion services into the clinic. There are often people outside the clinics shouting terrible things and trying to mislead the women entering the clinic. This is a need in every state. Contact your local clinic to find out how you can help.

Talk. There is a growing movement to encourage women to tell their abortion stories. This Chicago Tribune article demonstrates why that is important. Also, We Testify is an online project run by the National Network of Abortion Funds to help the media and the broader community understand the nuances of accessing reproductive care.

Inform. Clinics in states where these bills are being passed have said they’re experiencing a surge in calls from women who are confused as to whether or not they can still access services. These bills will be litigated in the courts for some time but in the meantime, abortion is still legal. We need to spread that word.

Elect. If it wasn’t already clear, it is critical that we find out where candidates stand on the issue of reproductive rights. Pay attention to your local candidates, especially at the state level, so you know who will stand up for your rights and then do everything you can to get them elected.

If you know of other actions folks can take, please leave them in the comments so fellow readers can see them. Thank you.

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