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Time to Get (Re)Inspired

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I’ve been seeing lots of chatter about how we need to get more folks to move away from ranting and raving on social media, and getting back into organizing and activism. Compared to the beginning of 2017, where are you on this journey?

In the search for some inspiration to share with you all–because let’s face it, none of us who care can really step aside at this moment in time–I came across two very different but really great TED Talks.

The first, is of an English activist who makes the case for why it’s really important to have introverts working with you on any campaign or issue. At the start of her video, you may be like “What in the world is she talking about?” but give her about a minute, and her talk really gets going. By the end, I felt like I wanted to transcribe everything she was saying. So much wisdom. And a great reminder that it isn’t just the great orators at the front of the room that have the best ideas.

The second, really a polar opposite in style of the first video, is of Stacey Abrams talking about what she thinks are the three critical questions–questions to guide how you get the change you seek. Her talk starts off with a bang and never really tapers off. Again, her three questions are a terrific road map for any of us who might have found their energy or resolve to get the change we seek, dissipating, particularly as we’re still so far away from the 2020 election.


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