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Sunday Reading: What Caught My Eye This Week


I spend a lot of time on social media keeping up with the latest political news. That said, I really appreciate being able to take the time to read longer pieces like these and delve into a subject more deeply. I hope you find these articles as thought-provoking and educational as I did.

Ten Counterproductive Behaviors of Well-Intentioned People

This piece by Yes! Magazine is a couple of years old but highly relevant today as it deals with how we can all be better allies. The author is coming from a higher ed point of view, but the advice is valuable to a much broader audience. (A thank you to Rogan’s List for finding the article.)

The Suffocation of Democracy

Christopher R. Browning is a historian specializing in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. He is often asked for his opinion on how what is happening in America today is similar or different from that dark time. His article starts with those comparisons but then delves more deeply into our current situation. Browning singles out Mitch McConnell as “the gravedigger of democracy.”

Trump Must be a Russian Agent; The Alternative is Too Awful

Wired delves into one of the big bombshell news reports from this past week. The article lays out what we know about the Trump/Russia story from the public record and explained counterintelligence investigations, a topic we all now need to get up to speed on.


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