Midterm 2018 Countdown: Nevertheless She Persisted


How can we block out all the clutter and focus on winning the midterms in just a few weeks?

The news and our feeds are full of polls and predictions, sound bites and analysis, encouraging words and back-biting, and fast-moving stories.

We need to remember that anything, really anything, could happen in these next 23 days that could rock a campaign. There could be a crisis or unexpectedly good news that completely changes the nature of a race.

I fervently believe, that to stay both sane and effective, we must fully concentrate on those aspects of winning in November that we can control. And we can control our actions.

The work we put into reaching out to voters–whether in person, with a text, by working with a campaign office or though a social media channel–will not go to waste. It is never a waste of time to talk to our fellow citizens and invite them to vote with us when we share values and goals.

We are going to get hit with so many predictions in the coming days that it’ll make our heads spin. What we can’t allow is for those predictions to influence whether or not we take action. I wrote about the adverse effect positive news can have on our behavior.

Voter suppression is an incredibly real and dangerous reality, and we must fight it tooth and nail, but I also see defeatist messages from people saying, “Why vote when it won’t count?” Because, what if it DOES count and your vote isn’t there to be counted?

So, my fellow activists, now is the time we’ve been waiting for. It’s go time. Don’t let anything knock you off of your mission to take action and leave everything on the floor to win November. There’s a lot of us, and we persist.

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